CR 537 is a major east-west transportation corridor serving regional traffic needs between Burlington, Ocean, and Monmouth Counties. The project study area includes a 2.8-mile section of Monmouth County Route 537 from just west of Gravel Hill Road in Freehold Township, to just east of NJ Route Business in Freehold Borough. A Preliminary Preferred Alternative (PPA) was developed for transportation improvements to the CR 537 Corridor using results from existing and future condition traffic analyzes.

The proposed improvements will mitigate deficient Levels of Service, improve traffic safety, and better accommodate all modes of transportation; including walking, bicycling, and public transit. The work included data collection, the development of a well-defined Project Purpose and Needs Statement, traffic studies, congestion management study, survey/mapping, utility coordination, determining right-of-way impacts, environmental screening, public outreach, development and comparisons of alternatives (including no build), and the preparation of the Concept Development Report. Services include data collection, operational analysis, traffic signals and ITS.