H&H led the design to replace a 100+ year-old bridge over an out-of-service railroad corridor in a historic district. The structure is a two-lane bridge that carries Gordon Street above an abandoned rail line and connects State Route 28 and West First Street and the Boroughs of Roselle and Roselle Park.
H&H developed the preliminary engineering, obtained design exceptions, secured environmental and State Access Permits, prepared the final design and construction contract documents, and provided post-design/construction engineering support services to replace the bridge. The new wider bridge is a single-span steel pony truss with a cantilevered sidewalk and a steel stringer approach span. The truss bridge type was pre-selected to maintain the site’s historic nature as required by the State Historic Preservation Office. The project also included the addition of dedicated left turn lanes to each approach and traffic signalization to the West First Street approach to alleviate queuing and improve safety and intersection lighting.
Key issues at the project site included multiple stages of overhead utility relocation, maintenance and protection of traffic, and construction staging. There were also significant community involvement concerns, including historic preservation and the potential relocation of the original structure. Commemorative plaques affixed to the new bridge provide information about the historical significance of the adjacent buildings to preserve the data for future generations.
The project was federally funded through NJDOT, with the design and construction fully complying with FHWA & NJDOT’s policies and procedures and NJDOT’s design standards. The ribbon-cutting for the bridge will be held in April 2024.