Under H&H’s MDTA Facilities Inspection Contract, H&H was notified of a vehicle fire that damaged the underside of a steel girder ramp bridge, compromising the structural integrity of the concrete piers, steel girders, concrete bridge deck, and railings. H&H immediately performed an inspection and worked with the MDTA to maintain public safety by developing a temporary tower shoring system, jacking and supporting the bridge, and permitting traffic to use the ramp within one week of the emergency.

H&H assembled contractors to perform material testing to determine the structure’s condition and limits of replacement. The design was completed using MDOT SHA standards and specifications. Maintenance of Traffic plans were prepared to shift traffic using staged construction temporarily. H&H developed PS&E documents and helped MDTA successfully advertise and award their first construction contract with an A+B Bidding format.

The ramp remained open during the construction of the permanent repairs. A phased construction approach installed temporary traffic control as part of Phase 1. Once the deck was removed in Phase 1, the damaged portions were removed, jacking operations were restored pre-fire elevations utilizing the original shoring tower, and the damaged girders were replaced. The Pier 19 cap and bearing pedestals were reconstructed, substructure concrete repairs were implemented, and a partial deck replacement. Traffic was switched for Phase 2 to permit removal and replacement of the deck and Girders 4-6 and repairs to the Pier 19 cap and bearing pedestals. The reconstructed ramp fully reopened to traffic in August 2021.

2022 Honor Award
ACEC/MD Engineering Excellence Awards