H&H provided bridge layout production, design, detailing, and construction phase services for the design-build team for the following bridges: Mainlanes over Parmer Lane, WBFR over Gilleland Creek Trib 1C, Mainlanes over Gilleland Creek Trib 1C, EBFR Bridge Gilleland Creek Trib 1C, and EBFR over Gilleland Creek. Scope included a corridor-wide effort for the aesthetic design of bridges, walls, sign structures, and toll gantries.

As a sub-consultant, H&H had various roles during the original stage of the project. We led a corridor-wide effort for the aesthetic design of bridges, walls, sign structures, and toll gantries. For (original) Segments 1 and 2, provided structural design for aesthetic sign supports and gantries and worked with the structural design teams to integrate the aesthetic features into the bridge and wall plans. Also led the structural design for (original) Segment 3 for all bridges, walls, signs, and gantries.

This 6.2-mile limited-access Toll Road, with three lanes in each direction, extends from US 183 to Parmer Lane. The bridges consist of prestressed concrete I-girder superstructures and standard and aesthetic reinforced concrete, bent caps, and columns.