H&H has provided resident engineering services for this $28M project that started in the Fall of 2018 and was completed in June 2021. The project’s goal was to reconstruct sewers and water mains along Victory Boulevard, and the adjacent side streets, including Canon Street, Glen Street, Parish Street, and several others. The area is mainly residential with some commercial properties along Victory Boulevard, a major arterial roadway on Staten Island.

The project involved the replacement of water mains, including the installation of 10,000 LF of 8”, 5,500 LF of 12”, and 3,900 LF of 20” diameter ductile iron pipe (DIP). As part of the water main work, 53 fire hydrants were replaced. Work also included the replacement of 3,700 LF of sanitary sewer pipe, ranging from 8″ ESVP (extra strength vitrified clay pipe) to 18″ DIP, including 42 new manholes. A major portion of the project involved the installation of a new stormwater drainage system with 8,700 LF of drainpipe ranging from 12″ dia. ESVP to 6.5ft. X2.5 ft. FTRC (field-trenched reinforced concrete) box sewers, some of which are on piles. There were also seven CIP (cast-in-place) storm sewer chambers, 72 manholes, and 104 catch basins. The stormwater drainage system discharges through an outfall that extends 125 LF into a nearby wetland that is under NYS DEC jurisdiction. This work included monitoring the tidal shoreline of the wetland, vegetative plantings, and mitigation of construction impacts, and the use of Best Management Practices (BMP), for the control and release of the stormwater into the wetland.

Additional features of the project included the replacement of curbs and sidewalks, including 7,500 LF of new steel-faced concrete curbs and granite curbs, 14,700 SF of 4” & 7” thick concrete sidewalks, and 28,000 SY of roadway asphalt paving.

2023 Silver Award
ACEC New York - Engineering Excellence Awards
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