H&H was the engineering firm for the 2023 Comprehensive Plan for the Village of Mamaroneck, NY. H&H designed a community engagement process that reached out to residents of all walks of life through in-person workshops, festivals, focus groups, a dedicated website, and a community survey distributed online. H&H consulted closely with the Flood Mitigation Advisory Committee to develop a wide variety of recommendations, which included outreach, further studies, policy and regulatory action, backup, protection, and early warning systems, land acquisition, and infrastructure investment and reinvestment.

The resulting 2023 Comprehensive Plan, which was adopted in September 2023, spans five topical chapters: Land Use & Development; Environmental Protection, Open Space & Flood Mitigation; Transportation Systems; Environmental Sustainability; and Municipal, Parks & Recreation, and Cultural Facilities. It is comprised of more than 80 recommendations that are organized into an Implementation Table that assigns each recommendation a priority level. The Comprehensive Plan includes an analysis of recent trends, challenges, and events (demographic, economic, technological, etc.) and how the Village has adapted or responded to them.

2024 NY ACEC Engineering Excellence
Gold Award