H& H served as designer and engineer of record, and is currently proving construction inspection services for the replacement of the southbound bridges carrying the Garden State Parkway (GSP) over the Great Egg Harbor (GEH) Bay and Drag Channel. The original GEH structure is a 47-span, 3,671-foot-long bridge consisting of various superstructure types. The original Drag Channel consists of 19 simply supported PPC I-beam spans. Both structures were built in 1954.
The new structure over Great Egg Harbor Bay will consist of 21 spans of precast, pre-stressed concrete bulb tee girders varying in length from 148 feet to 250 feet, made continuous for live load. The main channel span girders consist of spliced post tensioned bulb tee shapes with varying depth pier segments. The substructure for consists of reinforced concrete piers comprised of three six-foot diameter concrete columns and a capbeam supported on a concrete waterline footing on 30-inch-square solid pre-stressed concrete piles. The abutments are also reinforced concrete cantilever type walls supported on 24-inch-square pre-stressed concrete piles.
The new structure over Drag Channel will consist of ten spans of AASHTO Type III precast, pre-stressed concrete I-beam spans, 77 feet in length, made continuous for live load in a 10 span system with joints only at the abutments. The substructure for consists of reinforced concrete pile bent piers comprised a concrete cap supported by 30-inch-square solid pre-stressed concrete piles arranged in a staggered layout.