H&H is serving as project lead for two bridge preservation projects to repair eight state-owned bridges on I-91 from Fairlee, VT to St. Johnsbury, VT, and eight state-owned bridges on I-91 in Bradford, VT. The goal of the proposed bridge preservation projects is to prevent the main bridge component’s condition ratings from decreasing below a rating of 6 (satisfactory) by arresting active leakage at the deck, curbs, deck joints, and fascias. The anticipated repairs include partial and full-depth deck repairs, expansion joint replacement, bridge rail repairs, removing and replacing the existing bridge pavement and membrane, and substructure repairs. Associated traffic control on I-91 and intersecting roadways will be required at all active bridge sites. The initial project consisting of 16 bridges was divided into two projects, each with eight bridges. The Fairlee-St. Johnsbury project has bridges in Fairlee, Barnet, Newbury, and St. Johnsbury, VT. All of the bridges in the Bradford project are in Bradford, VT.
H&H will deliver preliminary design, final design, and construction phase services for the Fairlee – St. Johnsbury and Bradford projects. The preliminary and final design phase of these projects was expedited to accommodate the project schedule. To meet the expedited project delivery date, preliminary plans for two bridges, one from each project, were submitted for VTrans review. These bridges served as the template for the remaining bridges. A Bridge Maintenance Repair Summary Sheet was created that included all anticipated repairs for each bridge. Preliminary plans, estimate, and special provisions, were completed in four weeks from the start of the project. Final plans, quantities, estimate, and special provisions were successfully delivered in ten weeks following the accelerated schedule.