H&H was contracted by MTA C&D as the prime consultant to provide Construction Administration and Inspection Services for RK-PT Phase II. The project’s primary goal was to increase the service life and maintain the structural integrity of the Queens Approach Viaduct structural steel and concrete piers with new protective coating systems.
All superstructure steel, including miscellaneous steel appurtenances, was cleaned by power washing, and the existing coating system was surface prepped by a combination of power-tool cleaning and abrasive blast cleaning for an overcoat coating system.
This project was a complex bridge painting effort; at the peak of painting operations there were approximately 40 contractor personnel working on site. Approximately 746,000 sf of surface area (560,000 sf for QAV and 186,000 sf for both Towers) will have been painted by the completion of this project. Contact work was conducted on the Queens Approach Viaduct of the RFK Bridge, which experiences high traffic volumes, carrying an Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) of 117,000 vehicles.
The streets that run adjacent to or intersect the project site are high-volume local roads, including 21st Street (AADT 11,000), Crescent Street (ADT12,500), Hoyt Avenue South (AADT 9000), and Hoyt Avenue North (AADT 19000). Our Construction Inspection team monitored the traffic control on these roadways during the moving of aerial lifts and other equipment from one part of the site to another.